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Minutes | Board Governance Committee (BGC) Meeting 27 October 2017

Board Governance Committee (BGC) Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Cherine Chalaby, Chris Disspain (Chair), Asha Hemrajani, Markus Kummer, Ram Mohan, and Mike Silber

Other Board Member Attendees:  Maarten Botterman, Becky Burr, Ron da Silva, Khaled Koubaa, George Sadowsky, and Lousewies van der Laan

Invited Observers: Sarah Deutsch, Avri Doria, and Matthew Shears

ICANN Organization Attendees: Susanna Bennett (SVP & Chief Operating Officer), Michelle Bright (Board Content Senior Manager), Duncan Burns (SVP, Global Communications & Managing Director), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Vinciane Koenigsfeld (Board Training & Content Senior Manager), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), Wendy Profit (Manager, Board Operations), Lisa Saulino (Board Operations Senior Coordinator), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. Approval of Minutes – The BGC discussed the draft minutes of the 11 October 2017 meeting. The BGC noted questions from some of the members regarding the capture of the BGC's discussion on the uniform integrity screening.

    • Action: ICANN organization to revise draft minutes and redistribute to the BGC for approval online during ICANN 60.

  2. Board Member Skillsets Guidance to the Nominating Committee (NomCom) – The BGC reviewed the draft Board member skillsets guidance to the NomCom for the NomCom's use during the its 2018 Board member selection process. The BGC discussed that the guidance document is updated and sent to the NomCom annually. The BGC agreed to review the draft and provide suggested changes via email, to allow both the departing and new BGC members an opportunity to provide their input before the BGC approves the guidance document after ICANN60 and send it to the NomCom soon after ICANN 60.

    • Actions

      • BGC members to provide any suggested revisions to draft Board member skillsets guidance to the NomCom via email.

      • BGC to approve Board member skillsets guidance to the NomCom online promptly after ICANN60.

  3. 2018 Work Plan – The BGC reviewed the draft work plan for 2018.  The BGC noted that the work plan needs to be updated to incorporate the BGC's newly added responsibility: Coordinating the dynamic development of the Board priorities and their associated deliverables, and monitoring progress against the set priorities. BGC agreed that the work plan should be published on the BGC's webpage. The published work plan will be a living document and as change are made, the old version of the work plan will be archived and the most current version will be accessible from the BGC webpage.

    • Actions:

      • ICANN organization to update the work plan to incorporate the activities associated with the responsibility of related to Board priorities and re-circulate to the BGC.

      • ICANN organization to publish work plan on the BGC webpage.

  4. CPE Process Review Update – The BGC received an update on the status of the CPE Process Review.  ICNAN organization reported that FTI has completed its investigative process of obtaining information and materials from the CPE Provider. FTI has provided the final draft report for scope 1 (review of the process by which ICANN organization interacted with the CPE Provider related to the CPE reports issued by the CPE Provider) to the BGC. FTI is in the process of drafting the report for scope 2 (evaluation of whether the CPE criteria were applied consistently in each CPE report) and anticipates that the final draft report will be completed by the end of the week or early next week. It is anticipated that the report for scope 3 (compilation of the reference materials relied upon by the CPE Provider to the extent such reference materials exist for the evaluations which are the subject of pending Reconsideration Requests) will be provided in the coming few weeks.

  5. Uniform Board Member Integrity Screening Communications Plan – The BGC discussed options for engaging with the community regarding the uniform integrity screening, including publication of a BGC blog followed by initiation of a public comment period to obtain community feedback regarding a proposed uniform integrity screening process, and perhaps engaging with the SOs and ACs leaders during their sessions with the Board at ICANN 60. The BGC noted that the Board Chair discussed the uniform integrity screening in the Chairman's blog of 20 October 2017, noting that this would be a topic of interest over the next year. The BGC discussed addressing this topic during ICANN 60 and whether the issue would get lost with all that is going on at ICANN 60, and whether it would make more sense to wait until additional questions, such as what is done with the integrity screening reports once completed, to begin a full discussion on this matter. The BGC agreed that before formal engagement efforts with the community are commenced, the process for how the screening reports will be handled once received should to be developed. The BGC requested ICANN organization to develop this process and revert to the BGC.

    • ActionICANN organization to develop the process for handling screening reports once received and revert to the BGC.

Published on 10 November 2017.