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Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) Meeting - Minutes 20 June 2014

SIC Attendees: Sébastien Bachollet, Bill Graham, Kuo-Wei Wu, Wolfgang Kleinwächter, and Ray Plzak – Chair

Invited Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim and Laura Peth (Moss Adams)

Executive and Staff Attendees: John Jeffrey, Amy Stathos, Samantha Eisner, Rob Hoggarth, Michelle Bright, Teresa Elias, Larisa Gurnick, and Denise Michel

The following is a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions identified:

The Meeting was called to order at 15:15 local time in London, England.

  1. Agenda – The SIC approved the agenda (??).

  2. Approval of Minutes – The SIC approved the minutes of its 28 April 2014 meeting as presented.

  3. Review of Open Action Items – The SIC reviewed the open actions from previous meetings. The Chair noted that the final report from the NRO on the ASO Review Implementation was yet to be confirmed as completed. All other open action items were on the agenda.

  4. Registrars Stakeholder Group (RSG) Charter Amendment – The SIC received a status update on the proposed amendments to the RSG Charter. The proposed revisions were posted for public comment on 30 May 2014, and the public comment period ends 20 June 2014 at 23:59 UTC.

    • Action Item:

      • Staff to prepare the summary and analysis of any public comments received on the proposed amendments in advance of the next SIC meeting.

  5. Review Framework – The SIC received a status update from Laura Peth of Moss Adams, the outside company engaged to prepare an inventory and mapping of reviews within ICANN, regarding process mapping conducted thus far. The purpose of the study is: (a) to identify how the different review mechanisms correlate and what assurances they provide; (b) to identify standards and criteria used by prior reviews; and (c) to identify gaps and/or redundancies between the reviews. The SIC discussed the status report and provided feedback.

    • Action Item:

      • When available, the draft review mapping report is to be provided to the SIC.

  6. ATRT2 Recommendation 11 – The SIC received a status update from staff regarding the status of Board consideration of the ATRT2 Recommendations, and the SIC clarified its recommendation regarding the proposed implementation of Recommendations 11.2 and 11.3 (dealing with Affirmation of Commitments review process effectiveness).

  7. Impact of the Transition of the IANA Functions Stewardship on ICANN Structures – The SIC began a discussion of the potential impact of the transition of the IANA functions stewardship on the organizational and corporate structure of ICANN.

    • Action Item:

      • SIC members to note their ideas, concepts and potential approaches to this issue and circulate among the SIC for future discussion.

  8. SIC Work Plan, Activities and Report – Staff provided the SIC with an overview of the format and content of the proposed quarterly report regarding completed and ongoing SIC activities. The SIC reviewed the proposed report, approved it, and agreed to send it to the Board. Staff then provided the SIC with an overview of the SIC Work Plan and Activities, which was developed to assist the SIC with monitoring and tracking its work.

    • Action Item:

      • SIC members desiring to add to or modify portions of the SIC Work Plan and Activities should circulate those changes to the other SIC members for future discussion.

  9. GNSO Review Implementation – Staff provided the SIC with an update on the progress of the GNSO review. Staff noted that the GNSO has formed a GNSO Review Working Party, the focus of which is to provide feedback on developing questions for the 360 assessment, which is an online tool that will be used by the independent reviewer to collect information from the supporting organizations, advisory committees, community, Board, and staff. The Working Party also is working with staff to develop a community outreach and engagement plan. Staff then provided the SIC with a summary of responses to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for an independent reviewer launched in April 2014 and an evaluation of those proposals. Based upon that review, the SIC confirmed staff's recommendation for the selection of Westlake Governance as the independent examiner to conduct the GNSO review. Note: Due to a conflict of interest based upon an existing business relationship with one of the bidding firms, Sébastien Bacholet excused himself from the portion of the SIC discussion regarding the selection of the independent examiner.

The Chair called the meeting to a close at 15:45 local time in London, England.

Published on 28 October 2014