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Minutes of Organizational Board Meeting 10 December 2010

A transcript of the meeting is posted at http://cartagena39.icann.org/meetings/cartagena2010/transcript-board-meeting-10dec10-en.txt [TXT, 71 KB].

An Organizational Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors was held on 10 December 2010 in Cartagena, Colombia.

Peter Dengate Trush promptly called an Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors to order.

In addition to Peter Dengate Thrush, the following Directors participated in all or part of the meeting: Sébastien Bachollet, Rod Beckstrom (President and CEO), Cherine Chalaby, Bertrand de la Chapelle, Steve Crocker, Gonzalo Navarro, Rita Rodin Johnston, Erika Mann (joined remotely), Raymond A. Plzak, Rajasekhar Ramaraj, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, Bruce Tonkin, Katim Touray, and Kuo-Wei Wu.

The following Board Liaisons participated in all or part of the meeting: Heather Dryden, GAC Liaison; Ram Mohan, SSAC Liaison; Thomas Narten, IETF Liaison; and Reinhard Scholl, TLG Liaison (joined remotely).

Peter Dengate Thrush welcomed the new members to the Board.

  1. Election of Board Chairman

  2. Peter Dengate Thrush handed the chairing of the meeting to Steve Crocker, who nominated Peter to serve as the Chairman of the Board.

    Mike Silber seconded the nomination.

    Steve then called for additional nominations, and none were provided.

    The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2010.12.10.37), Peter Dengate-Thrush is elected as Chairman of the Board.

    All Board members present unanimously approved of Resolution 2010.12.10.37.

    The Chair thanked the Board and the community for their continued support, and noted that it’s an honor to chair the Board for the remainder of his term.

  3. Election of Board Vice-Chairman

  4. The Chair then resumed the chairing of the meeting.

    The Chair nominated Steve Crocker to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Board.

    Cherine Chalaby seconded the resolution.

    The Chair called for discussion of the nomination, and no Board member responded.

    The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2010.12.10.38), that Steve Crocker is elected as Vice-Chairman of the Board.

    All Board members present unanimously approved of Resolution 2010.12.10.38.

    Steve Crocker noted that he will be stepping down from his chairmanship of the SSAC in order to focus his attention on Board issues, and that a succession process will be instituted with the assistance of Ray Plzak, the SSAC Vice-Chair. Steve confirmed that a succession process is expected to be as seamless as possible to continue the productivey of the SSAC.

  5. Appointment of Membership of Board Committees

  6. The Chair introduced the work of the Board Governance Committee in identifiying a slate for composition of all of the committees of the Board, including identification of chairs. The Chair noted that this work was substantially led by the previous Board Governance Committee.

    Bruce Tonkin then presented the resolution establishing the membership of Board Committees.

    Ray Plzak seconded the resolution.

    The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2010.12.10.39), that membership of the following Board committees be established:

    • Audit
      • Rita Rodin Johnston (Chair)
      • Steve Crocker
      • Erika Mann
    • Compensation
      • Peter Dengate-Thrush (Chair)
      • Rita Rodin Johnston
      • Rajasekhar Ramaraj
      • Bruce Tonkin
    • Executive
      • Chairman of the Board (Chair)
      • Vice-Chairman of the Board
      • President/CEO
      • Rajasekhar Ramaraj
    • Finance
      • Rajasekhar Ramaraj (Chair)
      • Sebastien Bachollet
      • Cherine Chalaby
      • George Sadowsky
      • Bruce Tonkin (Observer)
    • Governance
      • Bruce Tonkin (Chair)
      • Cherine Chalaby
      • Steve Crocker
      • Rita Rodin Johnston
      • Ram Mohan (Liaison)
      • Ray Plzak
    • Global Relations
      • Peter Dengate Thrush (Chair)
      • Cherine Chalaby
      • Erika Mann
      • Gonzalo Navarro
      • George Sadowsky
      • Katim Touray
      • Kuo-Wei Wu
    • IANA
      • Kuo-Wei Wu (Chair)
      • Bertrand de La Chapelle
      • Thomas Narten (Liaison)
      • Ray Plzak
      • Katim Touray
      • Suzanne Woolf (Liaison)
    • Public Participation
      • Mike Silber (Chair)
      • Sebastien Bachollet
      • Thomas Narten (Liaison)
      • Gonzalo Navarro
      • Katim Touray
      • Kuo-Wei Wu
    • Risk
      • Steve Crocker (Chair)
      • Mike Silber
      • Bruce Tonkin
      • Rajasekhar Ramaraj
      • Suzanne Woolf (Liaison)
    • Structural Improvements
      • Ray Plzak (Chair)
      • Bertrand de La Chapelle
      • George Sadowsky
      • Reinhard Scholl (Liaison)
      • Mike Silber

    All Board members present unanimously approved of Resolution 2010.12.10.39.

  7. Confirmation of Officers of ICANN

  8. The Chair then moved the resolutions appointing the officers of ICANN, as required at the organization meeting.

    Mike Silber seconded the resolutions.

    The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2010.12.10.40), Rod A. Beckstrom is elected as President and Chief Executive Officer.

    Resolved (2010.12.10.41), Akram Atallah is elected as Chief Operating Officer.

    Resolved (2010.12.10.42), Akram Atallah is elected as Interim Chief Financial Officer.

    Resolved (2010.12.10.43), John Jeffrey is elected as General Counsel and Secretary.

    Resolved (2010.12.10.44), Kurt Pritz is elected as Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations.

    All Board members present unanimously approved of Resolutions 2010.12.10.40, 2010.12.10.41, 2010.12.10.42, 2010.12.10.43, and 2010.12.10.44.

    The CEO noted his thanks for the continued support of the ICANN management team and the honor it is to serve the organization. The CEO noted the solid progress being made working with the community and the Board.

  9. Other Business

  10. Sébastien Bachollet thanked the members of the At-Large community, including the members and leaders of the 129 At-Large structures in nearly 100 countries, as well as the leaders of the five Regional At Large Organizations, for his election as a Board member. Sébastien commented on the care taken in creating the electoral process, and thanked the other candidates who stood for the position.

    Sébastien noted the history of his involvement with ICANN, dating back to 2001 at the Melbourne meeting, through his tenure as the President of ISOC France, which became an ALS and helped sign the Memorandum of Understanding to create the EURALO. He noted two milestones in his participation with ICANN – the organization of the 2008 ICANN meeting in Paris, and his contribution in organizing the first At-Large Summit in Mexico City in 2009. Sébastien thanked his children for their support during his long working hours.

    Sébastien expressed his hopes that the Board will work together for the good of the internet and its billions of users around the world.

    The Chair then adjourned the meeting.