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Voting Transcript of Board Meeting

1:00 p.m. PST.

(Meeting commenced.)

(Roll taken.)

(Discussion on agenda items.)

Payment of Legal Expenses

>>VINT CERF: Okay. I'm not hearing any questions so I'll ask for a vote. All those in favor, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: Are there any opposed?

Are there any abstentions?

Thank you.

>>JOHN JEFFREY: Vint, for the record could I clarify whether Alejandro is on the call now?

>>VINT CERF: Yes. Is Alex on the call? Do you want to do a roll call?

>>VENI MARKOVSKI: Alejandro sent a note saying that he had to leave the call.

>>JOHN JEFFREY: That's why I was checking. He said he might be back. I don't think we need to. I think that's the only person we are missing currently other than Njeri.

>>VINT CERF: Okay. We can't ask for someone else to tell us that they are not on the call; right?

>>JOHN JEFFREY: That's right.

(Discussion off the record.)

Binding of Workers Compensation Insurance Proposal and Payment of Fees

>>VINT CERF: Are there any other questions?

I realized that I have just been calling for votes and I haven't said when we are officially on and off the record. I apologize for that oversight.

Probably what I should have done is have had the discussion and then put it on the record. But we're about to vote on this particular resolution. So we'll go on the record for the vote.

We're voting on a resolution to expend $52,757, a payment made to Everett National for workers' compensation insurance to cover the employees of ICANN.

And I'll ask now for a vote.

All those in favor, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: All those opposed?

Are there any abstentions?

Thank you.

(Discussion off the record.)

Approval of Director's Expenses

>>VINT CERF: Let's go on the record, then, to approve a request by Paul that Veni Markovski participate in the Moscow meetings related to ICANN matters for an additional expense of about $1100 added together with the Studenkreis representation that Veni also is proposed to make and which has been approved by the executive committee.

So I would ask the resolution on the record to approve the additional expenditure for the Moscow meetings.

Do I have a second?


>>VINT CERF: That's Hagen that seconds. Thank you.

Is there any further discussion?

All those in favor, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: Any opposed?

Are there any abstentions?

Okay. Thank you.

(Discussion off the record.)

>>VINT CERF: So we'll go on the record for approval of my expense, Vint Cerf's expenses, in Bulgaria after the Marrakech meeting to attend several meetings in Bulgaria with the President and the Prime Minister and the Congress on the subject of information technology policy.

So all those in favor, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: Are there any against?

Are there any opposed? I'm sorry. Are there any abstentions?

By the way, you notice I am not abstaining. I am voting in favor as well, and it's my belief that we shouldn't be abstaining even on votes that affect us directly because it could lead to failure to ever have a successful vote on some subject.

>> Very good statement.

>>VINT CERF: Thank you for that.

Let's go to the IGF matter.

(Discussion off the record.)

>>VINT CERF: Okay. So we're going to go on the record, then, for approvals, pre-travel approvals for meetings at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens in late October for pre-meetings involving the ALAC, specifically supporting Roberto Gaetano, and two meetings that are related to the Security and Stability Advisory Committee to be attended by Steve Crocker. And that the resolution is that the board authorizes compensation for those travel expenses to the appropriate board members. So I will place that resolution on the table for a second.

>> HAGEN HULTZSCH: This is Hagen. Second.

>>PETER DENGATE THRUSH: Vint, that didn't include the numbers of us who had mentioned the IGF.

>>VINT CERF: Say again?

>>PETER DENGATE THRUSH: You did not include in that the three others that were going to go to the IGF.

>>VINT CERF: Let me ask John if he will incorporate the specific directors' names into the resolution.

>>JOHN JEFFREY: Certainly.

>>VINT CERF: Thank you.

All right. Any other discussion?

>>SUSAN CRAWFORD: I just want to say for the record that I am somewhat uncomfortable with the numbers of people going to all these meetings, but I understand that this is a priority for ICANN.

>>VINT CERF: Thank you, Rita.


>>SUSAN CRAWFORD: That actually was not Rita. That was Susan.

>>VINT CERF: That was not Rita. That was Susan. I apologize.

>>SHARIL TARMIZI: Vint, Vanda was contacting me and she said she also plans to go to Athens but she couldn't somehow voice it out.

So we have Vanda as well.

>>VINT CERF: So we should add her to the list.


>>VINT CERF: Okay.

>>SHARIL TARMIZI: I will probably be going, but it won't be on ICANN's expense. The government of Malaysia will pay for that.

>>VINT CERF: Bear in mind that we are still on the record, folks.

Are there any other comments on this resolution before we vote?

All those in favor, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: Are there any opposed? Are there any abstentions?

Okay. Thank you for going through all of that. I appreciate it.

(Discussion off the record.)

Approval of Minutes

>>VINT CERF: Then I'm going to go on the record asking for a resolution to approve the minutes of those two meetings. So we are now on the record. I will ask for a resolution to approve the minutes of June 30th and the minutes of July 18th.

Is there a second?

>> HAGEN HULTZSCH: This is Hagen, a second.

>>VINT CERF: Is there any discussion of the minutes of those two meetings?

>>SUSAN CRAWFORD: Vint, it's Susan. I am concerned that the minutes of the July 18th meeting, while accurate, are not actually informative. I am concerned that we are not operating according to our core values of accountability and transparency.

The bylaws provide that ICANN and its constituent's body shall operate to the maximum extent feasible in an open and transparent manner and consistent with procedures designed to ensure fairness.

In my view, we should be providing minutes that are actually informative.

The draft minutes for July 18th say that the board and staff discussed progress relating to the processes and discussion relating to the United States Department of Commerce.

It seems to me that it would be feasible to be more open and transparent than this.

I recognize that this is a difficult issue for the board, and I hope that we will do better in the future.

Thank you.

>>VINT CERF: Thank you, Susan. I think this is a question that one could take up once more in the Board Governance Committee, which as you know, has been a topic revisited more than once. Perhaps we will get there, to where you would like to go, incrementally.

In the meantime, are there any other comments on the minutes?

I'll call for the vote. All those in favor of approving the minutes of June 30 and July 18th, please say aye.

>> Aye.

>>VINT CERF: Are there any opposed? Are there any abstentions? Okay. Thank you. And thank you, Susan, for your passion on this subject.

(Discussion off the record.)

(Meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m.)