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Voting Transcript of Board Meeting

1:00 p.m. PST.

(Roll call.)

Ratification of Global IPv6 Policy Proposal

>> VINT CERF: So we're now on the record. We are voting on the proposed allocation of IPv6 address space from ICANN to the RIRs. The proposal involves the allocation of the /12 to an RIR in need of additional IPv6 address space, and the resolution, if it is passed, will enable the staff to take the appropriate implementing steps to make this a part of the normal IANA procedure.

I'm calling for a vote now. We'll do a roll call.

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: I would like to move that.

>> VINT CERF: Yeah. We need to move and second. Thank you very much.

Is there a motion?

>> ALEJANDRO PISANTY: Yes. Pisanty seconds.

>> VINT CERF: I'm sorry. Who moved?

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: Raimundo.

>> VINT CERF: Thank you. And the second is coming from?


>> VINT CERF: Thank you, Alex.

All right. It's been moved and seconded that we adopt this resolution.

Raimundo, how do you vote?

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: This is Vint. I vote in favor.

Daniel? I'm sorry, Daniel is a liaison. I apologize.


>> PETER DENGATE THRUSH: I vote in favor.

>> VINT CERF: Demi? Demi Getschko?

>> DEMI GETSCHKO: I vote in favor.

>> VINT CERF: Thank you. Hagen Hultzsch?

>> HAGEN HULTZSCH: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Veni Markovski?

>> VENI MARKOVSKI: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Alex Pisanty?


>> VINT CERF: Hualin Qian?

>> HUALIN QIAN: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Thank you.

Njeri Rionge?

>> NJERI RIONGE: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Rita Rodin?

>> RITA RODIN: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Vanda Scartezini?


>> VINT CERF: Paul Twomey?

>> PAUL TWOMEY: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: All right. All of the voting board members have voted in favor.

>> DAVE WODELET: You haven't 

>> JOHN JEFFREY: Dave Wodelet.

>> DAVE WODELET: In favor.

>> VINT CERF: Who did I miss?

>> DAVE WODELET: Dave Wodelet.

>> VINT CERF: Oh, I'm sorry. How did I do that?

>> DAVE WODELET: I'm at the end.

>> VINT CERF: So you are. Apologies, David.

>> DAVE WODELET: That's okay.

>> VINT CERF: I was literally looking right past your name.

All right. So we have unanimous agreement of the board members present. Thank you very much for that.

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: Vint, this is Raimundo again.

>> VINT CERF: Go ahead.

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: I would like to add in a statement that I will send by mail.

>> VINT CERF: All right. You're on the record. Go ahead.

>> RAIMUNDO BECA: No, no. I will send it by mail.

[Secretary's note: the following statement was provided by email following the meeting:

"Not only I am pleased to move and to vote in favor of the ratification of this global policy about the allocation of IPv6 addresses by IANA to the RIRs, but I would also like to highlight a number of relevant facts that clearly show to which extent this is an historical decision and a major contribution to the Internet community:

  • This policy has been adopted as a PDP, through a long process that took more than three years. Specifically, this PDP respected strictly all the formalities required by the ASO MOU and the Board's procedures regarding the ratification of addressing global policies;
  • This policy is absolutely consistent with Resolution N? 38 of the Tunis Agenda, that pleas in favor of the reinforcement of the management of the Internet global resources at a regional level;
  • This policy allocates an initial /12 bloc of addresses to each one of the five RIRs. Not only this initial bloc of addresses will certainly enable all RIRs to fulfill the demand for at least the next 18 months, but less developed regions will receive exactly the same bloc of addresses as the more developed ones; and
  • In the context of this initial /12 bloc of addresses allocated to the RIRs, a number of more conservative downstream allocation policies are currently adopted or under discussion at the five RIRs. Among those policies, I would like to mention, on one hand, the adoption of a higher HD Ratio and, on the other, the opening of a /56 option bloc of addresses offered to small and medium size enterprises and organizations customers. For sure, under an initial bloc of addresses smaller than /12, those more conservative wouldn't ever be adopted. Effectively, due to sparse allocation, in order to avoid downstream fragmentation at the final users level, wider allocation sizes are needed at the top level of allocations of the address space."]

>> VINT CERF: Oh, okay. All right. We will adopt that statement in as part of the record.


>> VINT CERF: All right. We're off the record now.

(Discussion on Agenda Item Nos. 2 and 3.)

(Meeting adjourned at 2:42 p.m. PST.)