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Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) Meeting - Minutes 21 March 2014

SIC Members: Sébastien Bachollet, Bill Graham, Ray Plzak – Chair

Apologies: Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board Member Attendees: Chris Disspain

Executive and Staff Attendees: Susana Bennett, Megan Bishop, Michelle Bright, Larisa Gurnick, Rob Hoggarth, Alice Jansen, John Jeffrey, Denise Michel, David Olive, Erika Randall, Amy Stathos, and Theresa Swinehart

The following is a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions identified:

The Meeting was called to order at 15:53 local time Singapore.

  • Agenda: The Chair established the agenda for the meeting and gave an overview of items to be discussed.

  • Approval of Minutes: The SIC approved the minutes of its 6 February 2014 meeting as presented.

  • Review of Open Action Items: The SIC reviewed the open actions from previous meetings. The Chair noted that there were items from the final report from the NRO on the ASO Review Implementation that were yet to be confirmed as completed.

  • GNSO Review Implementation: The Chair made a presentation to the SIC regarding the implementation of the GNSO review mandated by the Bylaws. The presentation highlighted the objective of the review, and discussed the review criteria. The Chair noted that the independent reviewer would be selected through a competitive bidding process consistent with the established procurement guidelines. The SIC discussed the timeline for conducting the GNSO review, noting that by May 2014, it is anticipated that the plan will be finalized and the reviewer selected such that the review of the GNSO could be conducted during the May 2014 – January 2015 timeframe. The Chair's presentation to the SIC also outlined the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the review process, which included a discussion of the SIC's level of participation in the process. The SIC also engaged in discussed about whether or how the GNSO review process would take account of the globalization efforts and the ATRT2 recommendations. SIC members suggested that the SIC discuss how the review would consider the changing environment within the GNSO.

  • Review Accountability Framework: The Chair made a presentation to the SIC of a proposed review framework to undertake the structural reviews of the organization, with the focus of the proposed framework centered on transitioning reviews to a unified structure. The framework structure includes process reviews, process element reviews, outcome reviews, and structure reviews. The Chair noted that the outputs could be fed into other processes within the organization, including the strategic planning process. Staff provided an update on the timeline for preparing a report to the SIC providing an inventory and assessment of current reviews to provide insight into whether efficiencies exist.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to prepare an inventory and assessment of current reviews in advance of the ICANN meeting in London to provide a comprehensive view of how the different review mechanisms correlate and what assurances they provide; identify standards and criteria used by the previous review; and identify opportunities to streamline review mechanisms and processes for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

      • Staff to provide an assessment of whether the review accountability framework meets procedural requirements established by the Bylaws.

  • SIC 2014 Work Plan: The Chair outlined the items in the proposed 2014 Work Plan, noting that the only outstanding review is the ASO review. The Chair also highlighted that the ALAC and ccNSO reviews would be undertaken in 2015. The SIC discussed the elements of the Work Plan, and approved the 2014 Work Plan.

  • AOB: The SIC discussed the Charter for the Board Working Group on the Nominating Committee (BWG-NomCom), and the Chair noted that the Board Governance Committee was expected to take action in Singapore to recommend to the Board the members of the Working Group.

The Chair called the meeting to a close.

Published on 28 April 2014